Friday, September 10, 2010

Trucking along!

After a long and semi-productive weekend, I was ready to hit the ground running. I received a great grade on a group report from the week before. By Wednesday, I was starting to get ahead in a class or two, and I wasn't behind anywhere. Thursday morning I got surprise visits to the labs from both of the professors that I TA for.Thankfully, they both told me I was doing a fine job. By the start of Thursday evening, I was starting to believe that this semester might make up for the grief I've been getting the past two semesters. Until...

I bombed my Statistics homework. I know that what I turned in was incomplete because there were a couple of concepts that I was unclear on. My mistake was not finding the time to visit with the professor. When he described his grading process, it sounded like he gave completion grades. He grouped work according to those who understood it all, those who get the gist or it, and those who appear to need help. Guess what group I was in? My feelings were hurt. Perhaps I should have stayed behind and petitioned to have my grade increased. But I felt like he knows what he's talking about and I didn't have the energy to fight. Instead I went to the pity party where I questioned my decision to take this path, wondered what the end benefit is going to be, and doubted my abilities again.

Today is a new day. I've already started on next week's assignment, and I have a good idea of what to do. I'll work on it this weekend and plan to visit him Monday morning to ensure that I'm on the right track. I'm ahead in one class and caught up in the other. I'll have to do work this weekend, but I'll get there.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Two weeks down!

by Rob Shenk
Thankfully, I have survived the first couple of weeks. I started off motivated and ahead on assignments, but I can see that I will have to really work to stay on the ball. As usual, there will be lots of researching, reading and writing. My goal is to try to figure out how to get all of my research in sinc so that I can focus toward a dissertation topic. I'm not as overwhelmed by the math this time. Either my math brain muscles are finally getting in shape, or I chose the right class!
Although I'm leading two precal labs, they are for different professors at different spots in the book. So I essentially have two preps. But I'm enjoying it so far. The students who show up are asking questions and doing work, so that's a good sign, right?
Enjoy your weekend and imagine me sitting in a corner reading and annotating articles while my family and friends enjoy the game.