Friday, October 23, 2009

Made it Through Midterms

by Rob Shenk

My test this morning wasn't as bad as I expected. Although there was a proof that I wasn't sure how to approach. And I ran out of time before I could figure out what to do. I gave it my best, and that's all I can do.
My larger midterm was submitted minutes before it was due. And I was only confident in 2, maybe 3, of my six responses. I did give an answer to every question. We'll just have to hope for partial credit.

by House Of Sims

My midterm evaluations went alright. One class was full of compliments. The other had more issues with my teaching. Since my goal is to be a better teacher, I'm trying to take what they said to heart. The prevailing comment was that I go to fast. It's hard to determine if they mean that I speak to fast (which I am prone to do) or that the pace of the course is too fast. If it's the latter, that's harder to fix. There's a syllabus, and I'm already a little behind because I wanted to explain more thoroughly.
Some commented that they like that I go step by step while others want more examples. There were requests for improved handwriting on the board as well as requests for me to be conscious of where I write on the board in consideration of those who sit in the back.
Overall, I've made more of an effort to go slower and include more examples that more closely resemble the homework. We'll see how it goes!

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